Emuna Beams
Monday Feb 10, 2020
Monday Feb 10, 2020
"You're carrying a monster," the doctor told the horror-struck expectant mother. "It's got two heads - you can see it right here on the sonogram. You should abort immediately!"
Stories like the above happen every day, even in Rabbi Lazer Brody's immediate family. Hear today's podcast - it can literally save lives.
Thursday Jan 30, 2020
Thursday Jan 30, 2020
Today's podcast is all about the nasty "A" word – abortion. What we say here is very politically incorrect with the contemporary liberal norms that turn what the Torah calls abominations into ideology, but I don't care because I'm not running for office and am not trying to garner votes. Hopefully, though, today's podcast will save lives; even if it saves one unborn child, it's more than worth it.
The Gemara in tractate Sanhedrin, page 37a says that anyone who causes the loss of one life is equivalent to someone who has destroyed an entire world. And conversely, anyone who saves one life is equivalent to someone who has saved an entire world...
You too can help save lives - download this podcast - it doesn't cost you a cent - and spread it far and wide. If you need urgent help in a crisis related to contemplating abortion, contact the wonderful people at Efrat.