Emuna Beams



The American-Jewish Olive

Tuesday Jan 12, 2021

Tuesday Jan 12, 2021

Today, an olive best categorizes the American Jew. We'll learn how and why in today's emuna-oriented analysis of current events in the USA.

Avalanche or Birth?

Tuesday Sep 22, 2020

Tuesday Sep 22, 2020

Welcome to Emuna News, where you find out what's really happening in the world. Today's news update and message is, "Avalanche or Birth?" It sounds weird, but it's an exact description of current events right, where we find out the connection between COVID 19, wildfires, BLM and Yom Kippur.

Why the Catastrophes?

Thursday Jul 09, 2020

Thursday Jul 09, 2020

We've just entered the Three Weeks again, the notorious period between the 17th of Tammuz and Tisha B'Av, when the worst things happened to the Jewish People throughout history. We can't understand the Three Weeks without understanding the root of Tisha B'Av and the destruction of both Holy Temples. It was the eve of Tisha B'Av when the twelve spies returned to the Israelite encampment from 40 days of scouting out the Land of Israel. All of them except for Calev ben Yephuneh from the tribe of Judah and Yehoshua Bin Nun from the tribe of Ephraim said slander about the Land of Israel and about how dangerous it was. That night, the entire Israelite nation sat in their tents and cried. Hashem said to them, "OK, you want to cry for nothing? I'll give you plenty of real reasons to cry for generations to come." What's the connection between the sin of the spies and everything that's happening to us today?

The Water on the Roof

Tuesday Apr 21, 2020

Tuesday Apr 21, 2020

There's a classic historical pattern whenever Antisemitism exploded in full force; it was always preceded by plague or economic crises. The same pattern is repeating itself right now. What can we do about it?

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