Emuna Beams

Chassidic Thought


7 days ago

Rebbe Nachman teaches that being happy always is a tremendous mitzvah. Therefore, each of us must make every effort to avoid sadness and depression at all costs. What's more, the core cause of all illness is a breakdown of one's joy. Passover is a fantastic opportunity to recover our joy, and therefore our health.

Thursday Apr 04, 2024

Don't ever be down on yourself. With emuna and teshuva, there's always hope. Every soul has the potential of being a priceless jewel in the Almighty's crown. This is our concluding lesson on Rebbe Nachman's famous teaching of how to navigate life's ups and downs.

Thursday Mar 28, 2024

Life is like a ferris wheel. Don't boast when you're on top of the world, because you'll soon go down. But, don't be upset when you hit rock bottom, for you'll soon go up. Rebbe Nachman shows us the awesome secrets embedded in the ability to serve Hashem during good times and the opposite.

Thursday Mar 14, 2024

This week, we learn how the true spiritual leaders attain their greatness. Despite their prodigious wisdom, they are extremely humble. How do we know? Ask the geese in the desert…

Thursday Feb 22, 2024

One cannot possibly attain Divine honor if he or she has a contaminated soul. The cure for a contaminated soul is penitence, or teshuva. The evil inclination gets its vitality from the spiritually-contaminated blood in the left side of the heart. A special type of teshuva, which we learn in today's lesson, can rid the heart of such blood and starve the evil inclination. This is a key to attaining humility, spiritual health and Divine honor.

Thursday Feb 15, 2024

There are two types of honor: man-granted honor and Divine granted honor. Everyone questions whether a person is worthy of the honor he or she receives from other people, but no one questions Divine granted honor. Rebbe Nachman teaches that the only way to attain Divine honor is through teshuva, or penitence. Not only that – a person is not yet a person until he repents. The key to repentence is silence, worth its weight in gold...

Thursday Feb 08, 2024

If a person wants advice that he or she can depend on, they need a connection to a tzaddik. The tzaddik connects a person to truth. Truth connects a person to emuna and emuna brings Geula. But that's not simple. There's heavy opposition, and that's the Scorpio...

Thursday Jan 25, 2024

Rebbe Nachman teaches that one cannot possibly obtain emuna until he or she commits to search for the truth. That means putting aside personal agendas and objectively looking for the intrinsic good and what is genuinely upright.

Thursday Dec 14, 2023

Rebbe Nachman teaches that a people are capable of uplifting themselves from the pits of depression with no outside help. What's more, they can even taste paradise. We learn today how to bask in the light of the World to Come already in this world. This is a level of happiness that no one can attain by material means. It's attainable too.

Thursday Dec 07, 2023

The more we elevate Divine glory, the more lights of glory illuminate the earth. Rebbe Nachman teaches the act of bringing others closer to Hashem elevates Divine glory. People who gain enhanced proximity to Hashem therefore brighten the world. We conclude Torah 14 by learning that Chanukah is that very same aspect. Chanukah candles are lights of glory that illuminate the world.

Tuesday Sep 19, 2023

This is the amazing story of how a newly observant IDF war veteran - Lazer Brody - spent four days with the Lubavitcher Rebbe of saintly and blessed memory. The story begins with the First Lebanon War of 1982 and then moves to 770 in Crown Heights, Parshat Korach, 5747/ June 25-28, 1987. The Rebbe's unforgettable eyes...

Thursday Aug 17, 2023

In this terribly long exile with never-ending troubles, many have lost hope. They don't believe that their prayers will ever be answered or they don't believe in prayer altogether. They confuse apparent Divine concealment and think that Hashem has forsaken them. Rebbe Nachman, while interpreting one of Rabbah bar bar Chana's cryptic allegories from the Gemara, proves that the opposite is true.

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