Emuna Beams

Jewish Holidays


12 hours ago

The 210 years of exile and 116 years of slavery in Egypt ended with on the eve of the 15th of Nissan, 2448 in the Hebrew calendar. This was the year 1312 BCE. Hashem gave a most difficult command to the Israelites. Each family had to slaughter a lamb, which the Egyptians held sacred as their prime deity. This was an act of total dedication to the Almighty, where emuna had to prevail over logic and fear. Such dedication triggered the final exodus from Egypt, in a remarkable chain of events that we learn in todays lesson.

2 days ago

When Moses relayed Hashem's message of "Let My people go" to Pharaoh, the Egyptian monarch snarled back, "Who is Hashem that I should listen to Him? Besides, I've never heard of Hashem before" (Exodus 5:2). With such unprecedented insolence, Pharaoh was begging for punishment. The punishment came quickly. There were ten different plagues. Each one was a precise measure-for-measure response to the suffering that Pharaoh and the Egyptians meted out to the Israelites, as we see in today's lesson.

2 days ago

How did a fierce, proud and independent people like the Israelites fall into slavery in Egypt? Why did they have to suffer unspeakable atrocities? Here, in first of our 3-Part "Story of Passover," we gain a deeper appreciation of the Passover holiday and of true freedom. 

Purim and Political Correctness

Thursday Mar 21, 2024

Thursday Mar 21, 2024

The story of Purim begins 523 years before the miracle of Purim, in the Hebrew year of 2882 (878 BCE). Hashem commanded King Saul to wipe out Israel's arch-enemy, the nation of Amalek. King Saul buckled under political pressure and failed to fulfill Hashem's commandment. He had misplaced mercy on Agag, the Amalekite king. King Saul resultingly lost the monarchy and the seed of Amalek again rooted itself. We fast forward to the Hebrew year of 3405 (355 BCE). "Showdown in Shushan," in the Persian Empire, is where the 10th generation great-grandson of Agag - Haman - threatens to annihilate the entire Jewish People. The 10th generation great-grandson of Saul - Mordechai - must now make some painful decisions to thwart Haman's evil scheme. The question is, will he too, like his great-grandfather King Saul, bow to political correctness? Let's see how this is the template for current events...

The True National Leader

Tuesday Mar 12, 2024

Tuesday Mar 12, 2024

The story of Purim is the story of the true national leader of Israel. It begins with Abraham, continues with King David and then with Mordechai. It will soon culminate with Moshiach. Our past is our future. One cannot understand current events in Israel without understanding the events that led to the miraculous downfall of our enemies. The tyrants and traitors of old are still with us today.

Why Aren’t You Happy?

Monday Dec 11, 2023

Monday Dec 11, 2023

Chanukah is a time of gratitude. It's also one of the best opportunities for soul-searching and self-assessment. Sitting by the flickering candles of holiness, we open a window to our souls. Let's look inside and ask ourselves why we're not happy...

Thursday Dec 07, 2023

The more we elevate Divine glory, the more lights of glory illuminate the earth. Rebbe Nachman teaches the act of bringing others closer to Hashem elevates Divine glory. People who gain enhanced proximity to Hashem therefore brighten the world. We conclude Torah 14 by learning that Chanukah is that very same aspect. Chanukah candles are lights of glory that illuminate the world.

Day for the Soul

Wednesday Sep 20, 2023

Wednesday Sep 20, 2023

Most people dread the thought of Yom Kippur and fasting for 25 hours. That is bodily-oriented dread. As far as the soul is concerned, it's the happiest day of the year. Let's connect to our souls and find out why.

Wednesday Sep 13, 2023

Why do we blow the shofar on Rosh Hashanah? What's the connection between the shofar and Moshiach? Our sages provide some eye-opening answers that tell us exactly what's happening today...

Tuesday Sep 12, 2023

Here is the way to have a meaningful and delightful Rosh Hashanah. Even more, here's how to have a meaningful and delightful life.

Crowning the King

Friday Sep 08, 2023

Friday Sep 08, 2023

Most people misunderstand the essence of Rosh Hashanah. Today's lesson, a video playback of Rabbi Lazer's talk in Great Neck, NY earlier this week, prepares us for a meaningful New Year.

The King’s in the Field

Thursday Aug 24, 2023

Thursday Aug 24, 2023

The Hebrew month of Elul includes the 4 weeks that precede the High Holidays. At this time, Hashem - the King of Kings - is especially accessible.

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