Emuna Beams

Marriage and Dating


Finding Your Soulmate

Thursday Dec 01, 2022

Thursday Dec 01, 2022

A lasting marital relationship, what we call a "bond of emuna", depends on the merger of two souls. A true partner in life is therefore one's soulmate, that special person who will share a lifelong mutual commitment. One cannot find a soulmate if he or she is interested solely in a "bodymate". Physical attributes are short-lived...

The Bond of Emuna

Thursday Nov 24, 2022

Thursday Nov 24, 2022

With so many divorces, something is sorely wrong with western society's concept of marriage. There's a much better game plan, which we learn in today's lesson.

Family Flak

Thursday Aug 25, 2022

Thursday Aug 25, 2022

Today's lesson sheds light on verbal abuse in families. Why do spouses disparage one another? Children are the greatest gift the Almighty can bestow on a couple. Why do parents tear their children apart with yelling and criticism? Does a family lack an adequate income? Strife in the home is most likely the culprit. More than anything, let's see how verbal abuse damages the soul. Rebbe Nachman says that if you believe you can ruin something, believe that you can rectify it.

350 Pairs of Shoes

Friday Feb 11, 2022

Friday Feb 11, 2022

Here's a brief but especially important lesson in marital peace, designed predominantly for the man of the family. A couple came to me for marital counseling. The husband complained that his wife was a spendthrift who owns 350 pairs of shoes...

The Miser and the Macaw

Tuesday Feb 08, 2022

Tuesday Feb 08, 2022

Here's a poignant parable about relationships, when unthinking husbands starve their wives emotionally and wake up when it's too late...

The Tomato Lass of Lisbon

Thursday Jan 06, 2022

Thursday Jan 06, 2022

How does a person find a true soulmate? What is entailed in finding a soulmate? Let's get some answers...

My Name is Bailie, not Bilky

Friday Nov 26, 2021

Friday Nov 26, 2021

Nicknames are dangerous. Our name is by far one of our most important assets and determines so much in our life, as we'll learn today.

3 Keys to Happiness

Wednesday Aug 18, 2021

Wednesday Aug 18, 2021

King Solomon (who loved Egyptian Arabian horses like Kasaba, the 2-year old filly in the vid with Rav Lazer) teaches that the key to good relationships is realizing that the other person is unique. Recognize their uniqueness and don't make them try to fit into your mold. This is the key to successful parenting, happy marriage and healthy friendships. It's also the secret to raising animals and happy pets. Once we know that, we can make ourselves happy in an amazingly simple way, by learning the 3 keys to happiness, which we'll do in today's podcast.

Don't Miss the Train

Monday Jul 19, 2021

Monday Jul 19, 2021

The reason people are delayed in shidduchim is because of one of two reasons: either their egos get in the way, or they want something that Hashem doesn't want for them. Hashem wants us to look for a good heart, good character, emuna, piety and modesty. But when a person looks for the wrong thing, they miss their train and end up waiting for the next train and it just might not come so fast. Today's podcast casts a whole new light on the subject of shidduchim, dating and marriage.

The Climb of Your Life

Thursday Jun 03, 2021

Thursday Jun 03, 2021

An emotional survival course: Here's how to deal with the abusive people in our life and how to rid ourselves of abusive tendencies.

Friends and Lovers

Sunday Apr 25, 2021

Sunday Apr 25, 2021

Where do we learn the concept of "friends and lovers" from? What is love according to Judaism? It certainly is not lust and infatuation...

The Happiness Pill

Wednesday Oct 07, 2020

Wednesday Oct 07, 2020

A disgruntled husband went to his rabbi for an urgent consultation. "Rabbi, I want to divorce my wife," he said gravely, "I can't stand her anymore."
The rabbi prescribed a special type of medication - a happiness pill...

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