Emuna Beams

Torah Thought


Boomerang Bread

Monday Apr 20, 2020

Monday Apr 20, 2020

Every act of charity and lovingkindness - chesed - earns the merit of multiple Torah mitzvoth simultaneously. The good a person gives comes back eventually in an amazing manner as we learn in today's podcast as we see the words of our prophets come alive.

The Gate of Geula

Sunday Apr 12, 2020

Sunday Apr 12, 2020

The Ramcha'l osb"m wrote a Kabbalistic discourse nearly 300 years ago entitled, Ma'amar Hageula, or "Discourse of Geula." There, he brings forth some seemingly cryptic preconditions for the full and final redemption, all of which are happening today before our own eyes, as we hear in today's podcast.

Sunday Mar 22, 2020

People are confused, especially when some rabbis leaders have padlocked their synagogues while for others, it's business as usual. Many are asking me if listening to one's local medical authorities and refraining from praying in a synagogue or immersing in a men's mikva constitutes a lack of emuna. Today's podcast provides a detailed answer...

Protection from Coronavirus

Sunday Feb 09, 2020

Sunday Feb 09, 2020

The world is in a near panic from the Coronavirus outbreak, as scientists and health authorities around the world are racing to halt the spread of this deadly virus that emerged from a live animal and fish market in the Chinese city of Wuhan in December, when it then jumped to humans. Once it jumped to humans, it was then transferred from human to human whenever they come in contact with one other.
At the time of this podcast, according to official Chinese statistics which many believe are downplaying the proportions of this health disaster, some 60,000 Chinese have already contracted the new coronavirus, which causes respiratory illness similar to pneumonia, and the death toll of nearly 700 is rising daily. This past January 30th, the World Health Organization (WHO) declared the outbreak a “public-health emergency of international concern” — an alarm it reserves for events that pose a risk to multiple countries and that requires a coordinated international response.
The World Health Organization is correct – we need an international response. But what should that response be? Listen to today's podcast, which looks at current events through eyes of emuna.

Save the Children

Thursday Jan 30, 2020

Thursday Jan 30, 2020

Today's podcast is all about the nasty "A" word – abortion. What we say here is very politically incorrect with the contemporary liberal norms that turn what the Torah calls abominations into ideology, but I don't care because I'm not running for office and am not trying to garner votes. Hopefully, though, today's podcast will save lives; even if it saves one unborn child, it's more than worth it.
The Gemara in tractate Sanhedrin, page 37a says that anyone who causes the loss of one life is equivalent to someone who has destroyed an entire world. And conversely, anyone who saves one life is equivalent to someone who has saved an entire world...
You too can help save lives - download this podcast - it doesn't cost you a cent - and spread it far and wide. If you need urgent help in a crisis related to contemplating abortion, contact the wonderful people at Efrat. 

Fruit of the Soul

Wednesday Jan 29, 2020

Wednesday Jan 29, 2020

In this special lesson for the month of Shvat, we learn about the four types of fruit that our sages speak about. They are:
1) Fruit of the field and tree - vegetables, fruits, nuts and seeds
2) Fruit of the womb - our children
3) Fruit of our labors - the result of our career, trade, professional and job efforts
4) Fruit of the soul - one's emuna, prayer and Torah.
All the above four types have one very significant common denominator...


Tuesday Jan 21, 2020

Tuesday Jan 21, 2020

A person can score a bullseye in one of two ways. Either he or she can invest years of effort and training to become a champion archer, or he or she can be a slouch, grab a bow, shoot an arrow in the general direction of the target, and then draw the bullseye around wherever his or her arrow lands...

Sunday Jan 12, 2020

In today's video podcast, Rabbi Lazer tells a moving story from the Gemara in Tractate Taanis about Rebbe Yehoshua's encounter in Rome with Caesar and his daughter. When Caesar's daughter saw the renown Jewish sage from the Land of Israel, she asked,  "How can such magnificent wisdom be housed in such an ugly vessel?" In explaining this passage of Gemara, its Kabbalistic ramifications and the practical advice each one of us can glean from it, we learn the key to successful relationships. Today's lesson will not only help us choose friends and the right soulmate, but it explains the proper balance and relationship between body and soul.

King Solomon and Google Search

Thursday Jan 02, 2020

Thursday Jan 02, 2020

Emuna Beams looks at current events from an emuna perspective. King Solomon says in Ecclesiastes that there's nothing new under the sun. How does that possibly corroborate Google Search and other technological nuances? How does King Solomon's nothing new under the sun synch with today's news, both in Israel and abroad, especially the USA? Today's podcast searches for the answers.

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