Wednesday Feb 22, 2023
Wednesday Feb 22, 2023
Sea Cucumbers are invertebrates from the echinoderm family, like starfish and sea urchins. They look like a fat aquatic caterpillar. Found mainly in the Far East, they live on the ocean floor. Although many humans consider them a delicacy, they are bottom-feeding scavengers who eat anything, especially waste materials. Their 10-12" bodies are tubular, with a hole on one side for eating and a hole on the opposite side for excreting. Let's ask ourselves: what makes a human any better than a sea cucumber?
Monday Feb 20, 2023
Monday Feb 20, 2023
What do we do when we're not sure what path to take? Whose advice do we seek? Here's a simple but very cogent way to clarify the truth in our minds.
Sunday Feb 19, 2023
Sunday Feb 19, 2023
One of the prime ways that outstanding achievers became great was through their utilization of time. To fulfill our maximum potential, we must cherish every single minute in life. Time is one commodity that's irreplaceable...
Sunday Feb 12, 2023
Sunday Feb 12, 2023
If the mouth is a gun, then the tongue is the trigger. Not only is it the trigger, but it's the hand that pulls the trigger. What's worse is that the tongue can misfire. When it does, it's every bit as dangerous as a loaded pistol.
Wednesday Feb 08, 2023
Wednesday Feb 08, 2023
Suffering severe abdominal pain, Rabbi Shalom of Shatz made a rare visit to a physician. Before the examination, the Rabbi asked the doctor to diagnose the source of the pain. "Doctor, I simply need you to tell me which internal organ is not functioning properly. I don't need any treatments or medication." Today, we learn his age-old secret to self-healing.
Wednesday Feb 01, 2023
Wednesday Feb 01, 2023
The more world events become apocalyptic, the more people begin talking about Moshiach. From time to time, we hear voices that claim to know when Moshiach is coming. Is it possible to really know when Moshiach will arrive? Let's get some answers.
Did you know that belief in Moshiach is a main foundation of our faith? Read all about it in 13 Principles of Emuna.
Monday Jan 30, 2023
Monday Jan 30, 2023
The old wagon-master was lamenting the broken-down inn that no longer stood, while bitter-sweetly reminiscing about what he used to do there in his youth, but can no longer do in his old age. What was Rebbe Nachman conveying in this seemingly lewd parable?
Sunday Jan 29, 2023
Sunday Jan 29, 2023
Rebbe Nachman of Breslev lauds the virtue of personal prayer, especially at night and away from the beaten path. He writes that when a person speaks to the Creator in his or her own words, all of creation joins in. I took my flute at midnight to a hill in Judea where King David used to pray. A melody came into my head that I never heard before. I could feel that the midnight breeze was singing with me. It was sweet, calming and innocent. Allow me to share this poignant experience with. Here's the melody, and you're welcome to download the mp3 free of charge.
Thursday Jan 26, 2023
Thursday Jan 26, 2023
A realtor can work 200 hours and show 60 houses in a month and not sell a single one. On the other hand, his colleague works part-time as a realtor for an hour or two every evening. The colleague's wife was having a baby so he couldn't work much that month. His evenings were devoted to caring for his children. He showed one house that month and sold it. The commission he earned was sufficient for the entire month. Spiritually, what's going on?
Thursday Jan 26, 2023
Thursday Jan 26, 2023
In two words, the Torah tells a parent how to educate and raise emotionally-healthy children. The converse of these same two words shows what a parent should avoid doing.
Wednesday Jan 25, 2023
Wednesday Jan 25, 2023
Walking is the king of exercises for all ages. For walking to safest and most beneficial, we need a proper warmup. Warmups are not only vital for strenuous workouts like sprinting or weightlifting. Without a warmup, muscles are cold, tight and prone to strains, pains and pulls. So, for your walk to be healthy and pleasurable, follow this 5-minute, 5-step stretching warmup.
Monday Jan 23, 2023
Monday Jan 23, 2023
Music for me is a form of prayer. Where the words end, a melody from deep down begins. This is the song of the soul. The Land of Israel countryside, flaura and fauna inspire my flute. This particular melody describes an eagle who circled over my head during a personal prayer session in the Negev Desert. Enjoy and feel free to download it, no charge, compliments of Emuna Beams.
Emuna Beams
Welcome to the podcast of author, life coach and spiritual guide Rabbi Lazer Brody, Orthodox Rabbi, Certified Fitness Trainer and Health Coach. If you're looking for body-soul harmony, a fulfilling life and inner peace, you've come to the right place.