Emuna Beams

Emuna and body-soul harmony with author, spiritual guide and health coach Rabbi Lazer Brody

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The Search for Truth

Thursday Nov 05, 2020

Thursday Nov 05, 2020

We're delighted to share the replay of the Emuna Hour with Rabbi Lazer Brody this past Wednesday, 4 Nov., 2020. It's called "The Search for Truth," a guide to finding joy and purpose in life.

Sunday Nov 01, 2020

Derech Avot, "The Way of the Forefathers," is the ancient road between Hevron and Jerusalem used to make pilgrimage to our Holy Temple from the south. On the way, there are a series of ritual baths - mikvas - that pilgrims would use to purify themselves. Rabbi Lazer Brody shows the remarkable lesson we learn here, for we're not just talking about a "way" to travel along, but a way to live our lives.

Aliya and Emuna

Friday Oct 30, 2020

Friday Oct 30, 2020

Successful Aliya depends on emuna, but to attain complete emuna, a person must make Aliya. Here's why:

Thursday Oct 29, 2020

First, we'll review basic spiritual anatomy and the two different flows of influence from top to bottom and bottom to top, and then we continue to learn about the anatomy of free choice.

Tuesday Oct 27, 2020

Rabbi Lazer Brody tells the story of the village of Etri in the Judean Hills from the time of the Second Temple and its heroic fall to the Romans in 135 CE; featuring special guest Menachem Herman. "Belief in Hashem, no matter what the adversity, is the greatest freedom there is."

The Power of Speech

Sunday Oct 25, 2020

Sunday Oct 25, 2020

Speech is like atomic power; when used properly, it can illuminate the world. When used destructively, it can destroy the world. Rectifying our speech is the key to overcoming COVID-19 - hear why:

Thursday Oct 22, 2020

Here's a 2.5 minute segment of our debut of Emuna Hour from Wednesday evening, Oct. 21, 2020. We must have been ruffling the evil inclination's feathers the wrong way. If you don't believe that Antisemitism is alive and kicking today, then see this...

Thursday Oct 22, 2020

This is our debut of Emuna Hour, our new weekly shiur on Zoom that helps us learn and internalize the principles of emuna. The mp3 is unedited, so you can hear how Nazis and hate-spammers tried to crash the shiur between minutes 17:00 and 18:30.

Why Emuna?

Monday Oct 19, 2020

Monday Oct 19, 2020

Ask anyone you like, Jewish or not, if they believe in God. Most people will answer in the affirmative. Now, ask one of the people who told you that they believe in God, what it means to believe in God. Few will give you a clear answer.
G-d willing, our new weekly classes on Zoom, entitled "Emuna Hour", will change all that. Join us on Zoom or own Facebook Live every Wednesday at 8:30 PM Israel Time. Here's your personal invitation:
Topic: Emuna HourTime: Wednesday, Oct 21, 2020 08:30 PM Jerusalem / 1:30 PM NYCJoin Zoom Meetinghttps://us02web.zoom.us/j/86574581688?pwd=aWR0elVBYmF6K2NnV3RrWTBrNEZ5QT09
Meeting ID: 865 7458 1688Passcode: Emuna1
FB live: facebook.com/lazerbrody or facebook.com/groups/22531953392
Join us!

Coming Soon: Emuna Hour

Wednesday Oct 14, 2020

Wednesday Oct 14, 2020

In times of super stress like now, where the pandemic is challenging a person's health, income and state of mind, it's so very important to set aside a weekly hour for the soul.

The Happiness Pill

Wednesday Oct 07, 2020

Wednesday Oct 07, 2020

A disgruntled husband went to his rabbi for an urgent consultation. "Rabbi, I want to divorce my wife," he said gravely, "I can't stand her anymore."
The rabbi prescribed a special type of medication - a happiness pill...

Thursday Oct 01, 2020

You're invited to a very special Succoth event with Shlomo Katz and Lazer Brody; here's all about, with beautiful music by Shlomo and exquisite views of the Land of Israel - Chag Sameach!


Emuna Beams

Welcome to the podcast of author, life coach and spiritual guide Rabbi Lazer Brody, Orthodox Rabbi, Certified Fitness Trainer and Health Coach. If you're looking for body-soul harmony, a fulfilling life and inner peace, you've come to the right place.

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