Wednesday Apr 01, 2020
Wednesday Apr 01, 2020
Are the kids rambunctious in confinement all day long? For sure they are. Do you feel stressed or down? Sure, you do, but your body is probably lacking endorphins, those feel-good hormones that you get from physical exercise. People are going crazy how to keep the children occupied while everyone's confined at home. Here's a way to keep the whole family occupied, healthy and feeling good with this 25-minute family workout that requires no equipment and very little space. What's more, it's geared for people of all ages and all fitness levels, small children to seniors, beginners to advanced.
List of Exercises:
Stage 1 – 5-minute warmup
March in place – 30 seconds
March in place with pullup – 30 seconds
Side steps – 30 seconds
Side step with clap – 30 seconds
Side lunge – 30'
Side lunge with twist – 30'
Elbow to Knee – 60'
Jog in place – 60'
60' water break
Stage 2 – Aerobic, 40' work, 20' rest
Jumping Jacks
Clap Jacks
Clown Jacks
60' water break
Stage 3 - Strength
Pushups, 3 sets 20' work + 20' rest, 30' rest before next exercise
Squats, 3 sets 20' work + 20' rest, 30' rest before next exercise
Planks, 3 sets 20' work + 20' rest
60" water break
Stage 4 – Stretch and Cooldown
Hug yourself – 60'
Sprinter Stretch – 30' each side
Windmill Stretch – 30' each side
Sitting Stretch – 30' each side
Bedouin Stretch and neck message – 60'
Monday Mar 30, 2020
Monday Mar 30, 2020
The twelfth of our Thirteen Principles of Emuna requires us all to eagerly anticipate Moshiach. I don't think that there's anyone, religious or not, who doesn't want Moshiach, so where is he? Why doesn't he come already? A lot of people are talking about Coronavirus as a catalyst for Moshiach, but is there any truth in that? Let's find out...
Sunday Mar 29, 2020
Sunday Mar 29, 2020
Today's podcast is entitled is a vital answer to what many people are asking now in the midst of the Coronavirus pandemic about how much should we be putting effort into doing everything that the medical authorities tell us to do and how much we should be relying on faith and trust, what we call emuna and bitachon. A simple metaphor will help us understand...
Friday Mar 27, 2020
Friday Mar 27, 2020
It's no coincidence that the Coronavirus and its restrictions hit us at the exact time when we're supposed to be preparing full-speed for Passover. What's the message that Hashem is conveying to us and what does one have to do with the other?
Wednesday Mar 25, 2020
Wednesday Mar 25, 2020
Coronavirus has thrown millions of people into solitude. All of a sudden, people are facing a new reality that they've never experienced, which as we learn today, is a gift from Above.
Tuesday Mar 24, 2020
Tuesday Mar 24, 2020
Emuna teaches us that everything is from Hashem is a loving Father, so that everything He does is for our ultimate benefit. If we look close enough, we can find a concealed blessing within every creation. If so, the big question is, what could possibly be a blessing about a pandemic in general, and Coronavirus in particular? Let's get some answers in today's podcast...
Sunday Mar 22, 2020
Sunday Mar 22, 2020
People are confused, especially when some rabbis leaders have padlocked their synagogues while for others, it's business as usual. Many are asking me if listening to one's local medical authorities and refraining from praying in a synagogue or immersing in a men's mikva constitutes a lack of emuna. Today's podcast provides a detailed answer...
Friday Mar 20, 2020
Friday Mar 20, 2020
These days, during the challenge of the Coronavirus pandemic, any person with the slightest bit of emuna thanks Hashem profusely for every new day of life, even every moment of life. As things are getting shut down by the minute, we are limited in our choices. But, there is one important choice we can make, where we earn the reward of a good and healthy life, just as our sages promise...
Wednesday Mar 18, 2020
Wednesday Mar 18, 2020
Today's video podcast not only gives advice on how to keep body and soul healthy in the face of the Coronavirus pandemic, but shows that King David dealt with a terrible plague in his time that his son King Solomon knew all about, which the holy Tanna Onkolos calls "Kurhana". See for yourself, and see how King David stopped the plague as well as a 950-year promise from Rashi about how to defeat this disease...
Tuesday Mar 17, 2020
Tuesday Mar 17, 2020
By sharing the burden of life's difficulties, we create national unity. By creating national unity, we bring Moshiach and the full redemption of our people. Many people are asking how they can fulfill the mitzva of saying Kaddish for a deceased parent or loved one, when synagogues have been closed down because of the Coronavirus. Here's good news - Rabbi Lazer Brody, who is saying Kaddish anyway for his mother ob"m, will say Kaddish for you and it will count just as if you said it yourself. What's more, it won't cost you a cent. See today's podcast...
Monday Mar 16, 2020
Monday Mar 16, 2020
If COVID-19, the Coronavirus, is like an impregnable brick-and-concrete wall, then government and medical efforts to knock it down it are like a garden hose. To demolish a wall like Coronavirus, you need a wrecking ball. Today's video podcast has an effective one, strong enough to protect you and your family...
Thursday Mar 12, 2020
Thursday Mar 12, 2020
In this week's Torah portion, Moses begs Hashem to forgive the nation of Israel for the sin of the golden calf and says, "please pardon them of their sin, Hashem, for they are a stiff-necked people." (Exodus 34:9)
A stiff neck is the Torah's way of saying stubborn. Like any other character trait, stubbornness can go either way, for good or for evil. Throughout the ages, our righteous people have been so stubborn in their faith that they preferred to endure torture and death in sanctification of Hashem's Name rather than compromise their emuna. On the other hand, the riff-raff of our people have always stubbornly refused to recognize Hashem's monarchy and His Divine Providence, choosing the path of publicly and blatantly trampling the Torah's laws, from the time of Moses to the present.
Hashem is not some old lady in the sky that can do nothing against the Corona Virus, Heaven forbid. The first principle of our emuna is the "He alone did does and will do every deed." The Coronavirus, like all powers of evil, are emissaries of the Almighty and the executioners of stern judgment in the world. But like all powers, they can be harnessed to do good as well. Today's podcast shows the amazing way that the Coronavirus is paving the way to Moshiach...
Emuna Beams
Welcome to the podcast of author, life coach and spiritual guide Rabbi Lazer Brody, Orthodox Rabbi, Certified Fitness Trainer and Health Coach. If you're looking for body-soul harmony, a fulfilling life and inner peace, you've come to the right place.