Wednesday Feb 12, 2020
Wednesday Feb 12, 2020
There was a tight-knit Jewish community built around the local Yeshiva. One of the children of the community was killed in a tragic accident, hit by a speeding truck while crossing the street. The community was shocked. The young men of the Yeshiva were so shaken at the child's funeral that for days afterward, they couldn't concentrate on their Gemara learning. To encourage them and ease their grief, the Rosh Yeshiva told them the parable about the captain of the ship...
Tuesday Feb 11, 2020
Tuesday Feb 11, 2020
Today's podcast takes us to the holy gravesite of Rabbi Moshe Chaim Luzatto (1704-1746), renowned Kabbalist and master of Jewish ethics, author of the classic books "Path of the Righteous," "Way of Hashem" and many more. Buried next to Rebbe Akiva in Tiberias, many kabbalists consider the Ramcha"l to be a gilgul (reincarnation) of Rebbe Akiva.
Monday Feb 10, 2020
Monday Feb 10, 2020
"You're carrying a monster," the doctor told the horror-struck expectant mother. "It's got two heads - you can see it right here on the sonogram. You should abort immediately!"
Stories like the above happen every day, even in Rabbi Lazer Brody's immediate family. Hear today's podcast - it can literally save lives.
Sunday Feb 09, 2020
Sunday Feb 09, 2020
The world is in a near panic from the Coronavirus outbreak, as scientists and health authorities around the world are racing to halt the spread of this deadly virus that emerged from a live animal and fish market in the Chinese city of Wuhan in December, when it then jumped to humans. Once it jumped to humans, it was then transferred from human to human whenever they come in contact with one other.
At the time of this podcast, according to official Chinese statistics which many believe are downplaying the proportions of this health disaster, some 60,000 Chinese have already contracted the new coronavirus, which causes respiratory illness similar to pneumonia, and the death toll of nearly 700 is rising daily. This past January 30th, the World Health Organization (WHO) declared the outbreak a “public-health emergency of international concern” — an alarm it reserves for events that pose a risk to multiple countries and that requires a coordinated international response.
The World Health Organization is correct – we need an international response. But what should that response be? Listen to today's podcast, which looks at current events through eyes of emuna.
Thursday Feb 06, 2020
Thursday Feb 06, 2020
Today's podcast comes from the holy city of Tiberias on the shore of the Sea of Galilee, where many of our Talmudic sages are buried. From the gravesite of Rebbe Ammi and Rebbe Assi, who were students of Rebbe Yochanan in the late 3rd Century CE, Rabbi Lazer explains two significant lessons we learn from these two pious and righteous Torah scholars of impeccable character.
Wednesday Feb 05, 2020
Wednesday Feb 05, 2020
During the height of Roman occupation and persecution of Jews in the Land of Israel, Torah was in danger of being forgotten, for the Romans outlawed Torah learning. Poverty and deprivation prevailed among our people. Rebbe Hiyya the Great, at this most difficult time, took his wife Yehudit, his two twin sons Yehuda and Chizkiya, his two daughters and his two nephews Rav and Raba bar Bar Chana and made aliya to the Land of Israel. When he saw the terrible material and spiritual deprivation, he planted flax seeds. When he harvested the flax, he made nets to capture wild deer. He used the venison meat to feed starving orphans and used the deer hides to make parchment. On the parchment, he wrote the Five Books of Moses, which he taught to the orphans, making a single-handed revival of Torah.
No wonder that Rebbe Hiyya's two sons and two nephews became prodigious Torah scholars and righteous men of the highest caliber.
Rabbi Lazer relates the story of Rebbe Hiyya the Great from his holy gravesite in Tiberias, overlooking the Sea of Galilee.
Tuesday Feb 04, 2020
Tuesday Feb 04, 2020
More than a book, this is a best friend; available both in Amazon paperback edition and Kindle ebook edition.
Monday Feb 03, 2020
Monday Feb 03, 2020
Today's Emuna Beams podcast comes from the holy gravesite of Rebbe Meir Baal HaNess in Tiberias, where we learn the miraculous power of Rebbe Meir's emuna, something we can all tap into.
Sunday Feb 02, 2020
Sunday Feb 02, 2020
Rabbi Lazer Brody's Emuna Beams "Warm up the Winter" USA speaking tour begins in Teaneck, NJ on Sunday, evening, Feb. 16, 2020. He will be in the NYC area through Wednesday, Feb. 19, then in Los Angeles through Sunday, Feb. 23, on to Arizona through Wed., Feb. 26, then finishing the tour in Houston on Saturday night, Feb. 29 - more details coming soon, G-d willing.
Thursday Jan 30, 2020
Thursday Jan 30, 2020
Today's podcast is all about the nasty "A" word – abortion. What we say here is very politically incorrect with the contemporary liberal norms that turn what the Torah calls abominations into ideology, but I don't care because I'm not running for office and am not trying to garner votes. Hopefully, though, today's podcast will save lives; even if it saves one unborn child, it's more than worth it.
The Gemara in tractate Sanhedrin, page 37a says that anyone who causes the loss of one life is equivalent to someone who has destroyed an entire world. And conversely, anyone who saves one life is equivalent to someone who has saved an entire world...
You too can help save lives - download this podcast - it doesn't cost you a cent - and spread it far and wide. If you need urgent help in a crisis related to contemplating abortion, contact the wonderful people at Efrat.
Wednesday Jan 29, 2020
Wednesday Jan 29, 2020
In this special lesson for the month of Shvat, we learn about the four types of fruit that our sages speak about. They are:
1) Fruit of the field and tree - vegetables, fruits, nuts and seeds
2) Fruit of the womb - our children
3) Fruit of our labors - the result of our career, trade, professional and job efforts
4) Fruit of the soul - one's emuna, prayer and Torah.
All the above four types have one very significant common denominator...
Tuesday Jan 28, 2020
Tuesday Jan 28, 2020
Right now, the media outlets here in Israel – right, left, center, religious, non-religious, Jewish and Arab – are all focused on one thing – President Trump's Peace Plan, what the Trump administration is calling, "Deal of the Century." Will it Work? Here is our Emuna-Beams analysis...
Emuna Beams
Welcome to the podcast of author, life coach and spiritual guide Rabbi Lazer Brody, Orthodox Rabbi, Certified Fitness Trainer and Health Coach. If you're looking for body-soul harmony, a fulfilling life and inner peace, you've come to the right place.